我们的管理团队有着广泛的背景,在金融领域有着丰富的经验, 但他们都有一个非常重要的共同点——他们对佛罗里达人民的奉献. 他们对我们社区的投资就像对佛罗里达资本银行的成功一样. 这是每个人都能重视的.


T. 基思•佩里

Chief 执行 Officer (CEO), Director

Mr. Perry于2017年加入佛罗里达资本银行担任执行副总裁兼首席财务官,在皇冠正版APP下载的各个方面拥有40多年的经验. 以前, 佩里曾担任佛罗里达州商业国家银行股份公司的顾问,后来成为雇员, 公司. 2012 - 2017年. He has also served as the Chief Financial Officer for CenterBank of Jacksonville, N.A., and American National Bank of Florida from 1999-2011, and 1981-1998 respectively. Mr. Perry holds multiple business-related degrees from Florida State University, and a Master of Accountancy degree from the University of North Florida, where he has also previously taught undergraduate commercial banking.  从社区服务的角度来看, he serves as volunteer CFO to SkillPointe Foundation, which helps aspiring workers afford the training they need to build rewarding, in-demand careers that do not require a four-year degree.  他最近从美国童子军(Boy Scouts of America) 20多年的志愿服务中退休,并在银行职业生涯中担任各种非营利董事会成员.


总统 and Chief Operations Officer (COO), Director

Mr. Buddenbohm joined 佛罗里达资本银行 in September 2019 as its 首席信贷主任. 此前,先生. Buddenbohm从2013年起担任Atlantic Coast Financial Corporation的执行副总裁兼首席信贷官,直到2018年5月被Ameris Bancorp收购, and 首席信贷主任 of Atlantic Coast Bank from 2005 to 2013. Mr. Buddenbohm职业生涯的前13年在孟菲斯的National Commerce Financial Corporation工作, 田纳西州, serving in various roles of increasing responsibility. Mr. Buddenbohm has 30 years of experience in commercial, 抵押贷款和消费贷款, 商业信贷管理, 和分支服务.


首席合规 & 风险官,执行副总裁

在女士. 威尔逊的角色, 她有30多年的银行业经验, 金融, and business law experience to the organization. 佩里对小企业主的支持促使她领导该银行努力制定一项社区再投资法案,以更好地支持整个佛罗里达州东北部社区的小企业. 威尔逊是佛罗里达资本银行被选为盈利和具有社区意识的未来的一组精选经理的一部分. She was promoted to the position of 首席合规 & Risk Officer for 佛罗里达资本银行 in March 2017. While in her previous role as manager of the compliance department, 佩里还被要求承担银行全企业风险管理项目的额外责任,她很高兴地接受了这一挑战.



Sam Ishee joined 佛罗里达资本银行 in 2007, working his way up from bank teller to Treasurer in 2017. He moved into his current CFO role, in November 2023. Sam拥有UNF的会计学学士学位,并于2013年完成了UNF的工商管理硕士学位. 山姆于2018年被《皇冠正版APP下载》评为40岁以下40人,该杂志表彰了现在和未来正在塑造第一海岸的年轻高管. 2023年,Sam再次被《皇冠正版APP下载》评为杰克逊维尔金融领域的新星之一. In addition to his full-time role at 佛罗里达资本银行, Sam makes time to be actively involved in his community. He currently volunteers at his local community Boy Scouts of America, Troop 312. Over the past eight years Sam has served in various roles including Den Leader, 助理幼师, 幼崽的主人, 部队委员, 并且是吉尔威尔协会的成员. 在过去的16年里,Sam在佛罗里达州东北部的各种非营利组织做志愿者. 公司luding Junior Achievement of North Florida, 北佛罗里达联合劝募会, 饥饿的战斗, 新希望行动, 还有很多其他的. 山姆是他所在教会的活跃成员, First Baptist Church Jacksonville and a member of Financial 执行s International (FEI).




作为首席信贷官. McCorvey is responsible for managing the bank’s commercial credit portfolio. 他在多个金融领导领域拥有超过37年的丰富经验:包括商业贷款, 银行皇冠正版APP下载, 风险管理, 战略规划, 以及绩效管理.  He holds a Bachelor of Science in accounting from Auburn University.



Ms. Davis has over 15 years of banking industry experience in Human Resources. Prior to joining 佛罗里达资本银行 in 2016, 她做了12年的副总统, Human Resources at American Enterprise Bank of Florida. 她负责全面的人力资源解决方案,以降低运营风险并支持整体银行运营. 直接活动包括招聘, 员工敬业度, 福利管理, 补偿, 奖励/识别, and other ongoing human resources activities. Ms. 戴维斯是人力资源管理学会杰克逊维尔分会的董事会成员, in the position of Workforce Readiness Director. She holds a Bachelors of 皇冠正版APP下载 Administration degree from the University of Florida.

Charles (chuck) owston, cmaa


Chuck于2005年加入佛罗里达资本银行的创始股东集团,协助全州正规买球APP下载筹集资金和市场开发. He served as 总统 of the Bank Division of 佛罗里达资本银行, N.A. 从2010年到2014年. 他在Wachovia Bank(现为Wells Fargo 公司)工作了21年,在那里他为中间市场公司的股东提供最佳资本结构方面的建议, 企业价值增长策略, 所有权的转换, 股东流动性选择, 管理财富. Chuck has a Bachelor’s of Science in Finance and is a Certified Merger & Acquisition Advisor (CMAA), granted by the Alliance of Merger & 收购顾问. Chuck is a member of the Rollins College, Department of 皇冠正版APP下载 Advisory Board.



马特于2022年加入佛罗里达资本银行,领导该银行商业贷款皇冠正版APP下载的发展.  Matt是杰克逊维尔的一名长期银行家,拥有超过35年的经验,曾担任各种社区银行的领导职务,包括首席执行官, 总统, CLO和CFO.  Matt拥有与企业主和房地产专业人士合作的丰富贷款经验.  马特在他的教堂里很活跃, 圣何塞圣公会, 他目前担任佛罗里达主教教区的财务委员会主席.  He received his undergraduate and MBA from the University of Central Florida.

Bryan a wilder cfsa, CRCM

Managing Director of Strategic Initiatives

Bryan joined 佛罗里达资本银行 in 2024 as Managing Director of Strategic Initiatives.  他在银行业工作超过20年,曾担任多个社区银行的行政职务,包括首席运营官, 信贷财务主管, ISO和CRA官员.  Bryan在M&A, digital transformation, process re-engineering, operations, credit and compliance.  他持有北佛罗里达大学(University of North Florida)金融学位,并就读于路易斯安那州立大学(LSU)银行研究生院.


Managing Director of 批发 and Retail 抵押贷款 Production

Andrea Lefebvre joined FLCBank in 2008 as an experienced mortgage professional. 她在第三方发起领域的任期包括担任SunTrust 抵押贷款东北区域经理和全国信贷委员会联合主席14年,并被认为是东北经纪人协会的年度会员.



Maria McDaniels于2022年加入佛罗里达资本银行,担任专业银行项目管理总监. 她于2023年3月晋升为专业银行董事总经理的关键职位. She brings over 22 years of experience in the Jacksonville, 佛罗里达银行界, working at both local banks and regional banks. 在她的职业生涯中, she has held several key positions including Retail Market Management, 存款皇冠正版APP下载, 客户体验管理, and an extensive background in Treasury Management. Maria拥有工商管理学士学位和工商管理硕士学位, attending both Marshall University and the University of Phoenix. Maria also graduated from the University of Florida’s School of Banking.
